Blog redux
Finally, finally! I've migrated my blog from a Wordpress install hosted on some shared hosting to a Jekyll-powered blog hosted on Github Pages. Setting up the custom domain was a simple task as it is well documented in the Github Pages help. Currently, I'm running Jekyll locally for testing and for drafting posts. I'll probably stick with that in the future as I'd like to potentially add some plugins, which aren't supported in Pages. I'll be using Bootstrap for responsive design and styling as web design is not something I'm particularly interested in focusing on right now.
In the near future I'd like to add commenting back to the blog using Disqus, get good tag landing pages, and make sure redirects are set up from my old blog post urls to the new. I'm also going to be playing around a bit with Leaflet so look out for some interesting (hopefully) maps. I've already put up a test map post following the Leaflet quick start guide and I modified my Jekyll default layout to check the posts front-matter for some map-specific metadata and include the required JavaScript and CSS.