• Blog setup isn't the only thing I'll blog about

    Crazy, I guess it’s been almost 9 years since I’ve posted here so I’m rebooting the blog once again. I’m not sure if it’s my age or the current place in my life or career that has me feeling like I have some things to...read more
  • My Vagrant setup for Jekyll/Github Pages

    I recently started futzing around with this blog again and ran into problems with differences between my local Jekyll setup and Github Pages (where this is generated and hosted). My home computer runs Windows 10 so nice things like Homebrew and Macports weren’t available to...read more
  • Useful DevOps videos

    I came across Servers for Hackers in a Reddit thread the other day and watched a few of the videos. I’ve been considering spinning up a server in AWS or on Digital Ocean to use as a test server and to play around with and...read more
  • More blog updates

    In my last post I blogged about updating my blog to a static site generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. In that article I mentioned a few improvements that I wanted to make and now that they are done I thought a little...read more
  • Blog redux

    Finally, finally! I've migrated my blog from a Wordpress install hosted on some shared hosting to a Jekyll-powered blog hosted on Github Pages. Setting up the custom domain was a simple task as it is well documented in the Github Pages help. Currently, I'm running...read more
  • Leaflet test map

    Testing out adding the Leaflet quick start map to the new Jekyll-powered blog. This is pretty sweet. I'm not entirely sure why yet, but to get the map to play nice with Bootstrap, I had to put a space in the map div. This may...read more
  • Temporarily disabling comments

    I'm temporarily disabling commenting on the site until an upcoming migration is done. When it's completed I'll re-enable and all you spam-bots can go back to trying to get me to buy fake Gucci bags and Viagra.
  • PHP Development Setup on Ubuntu 12.04

    In my last post on Python development, I went through the steps I took to set up a virtual machine running Ubuntu 12.04 for web development using the Flask Python Microframework. That was an interesting and informative exercise for me and I hope it was for others...read more
  • Python Development Setup on Ubuntu 12.04

    The Backstory Recently, I've had a renewed interest in Python. I had some limited exposure to it during my time as a undergraduate studying GIS as ESRI's ArcGIS supports its use as a scripting/modeling language, but most recently I've been interested in Python for web...read more
  • Go Ahead, RTFM, It's New & Improved

    One frustrating aspect of working with any open-source project can be the lack of thorough documentation.  This is especially true of an open-source project with a code-base the size of Moodle's. An off-hand, quick count shows that in Moodle 2.2 there are over 30 core...read more
  • Welcome!

    Welcome to the inaugural post of samchaffee.com! I'm excited to finally bring this blog to life. My hope for it is (at least) two-fold: 1) share some things I've learned about developing in Moodle and 2) bring readers along on my journey of exploring new/existing web technologies...read more